One of the things I feel that I don't take enough time to do is show my appreciation for all of my students and recognize their efforts throughout the year. I find that I spend far more time focusing only on my struggling students rather than recognizing each student's individual journey, success, and growth.
Support for Struggling Writers: How Essay Interviews can HELP During Writing Workshop
The term “struggling” writer really applies to every single human being. We have all struggled with writing at some point and will continue to struggle moving forward. The difference between successful writers and unsuccessful writers (“success” being defined as students who turn in completed essays that convey meaning effectively versus those who do not) lies in being able to work through frustration.
A Philosophy for Assessing Writing: Aim for Improvement, not Perfection
The Writer's Notebook in Secondary ELA: Introduction & FREE Guide
Setting up & Assessing Book Club in Secondary ELA: FOUR FREE GUIDES FOR SUCCESS!
Book club is now considered to be one of the “best practices” in English Language Arts. Book clubs differ from traditional literary circles in that they are less teacher-directed. The students take on the responsibility of selecting their roles, making their assignments, keeping track of their reading, and much more.