
The Pick Two Assessment:  A Quick Strategy for Comprehension & Analysis

The Pick Two Assessment:  A Quick Strategy for Comprehension & Analysis

If you’re like me, reading checks and quizzes seem to sneak up every week, and I find that I am not always prepared with an assessment.  Coming up with multiple-choice questions or quiz questions takes time, and sometimes, I just need something quick and easy to create.  So, I created the “Pick Two Assessment Strategy” in order to cut down on prep time in creating reading checks and reading quizzes. 

Last Minute Lesson Ideas for All Content Areas

Last Minute Lesson Ideas for All Content Areas

I always try to have a solid plan for my classes, but sometimes, a day sneaks up on me where I don’t have anything planned, and I’m scrapping to fill it with something enriching and meaningful.  And, if I’m being completely honest...