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Your First FIVE Lessons of the School Year

Your First FIVE Lessons of the School Year

The first five lessons of a secondary ELA class are essential for setting the tone for the rest of the year. It’s also a stressful time to readjust to school hours, meet new students, and get back into a routine once again. That’s why I’ve put together your first FIVE lessons of the school year. All right here, done for you.

“First Week Back” Activities for Secondary ELA

“First Week Back” Activities for Secondary ELA

Starting a new semester— whether at the beginning of the school year or calendar year— is a time of tough transition as we begin to restart our minds and work habits. It’s a difficult transition for both students, teachers, and administrators— but I don’t have to tell you that. You know that feeling of dread at the beginning of a new term, and there’s no way to sugarcoat it.

Three Necessary Lessons for the Beginning of the Year in ELA

Three Necessary Lessons for the Beginning of the Year in ELA

The beginning of the school year is a time to reintroduce students to routine, classroom procedures, and the habits of homework and studying…. but I don’t need to tell you that! For us as English teachers, the beginning of the school year means reviewing and reteaching skills that our students will SWEAR they were NOT taught “last year.” We know the joke; we know that isn’t true!

Starting the School Year with the College Essay

Starting the School Year with the College Essay

If there is one writing assignment that has real life and real world purpose, it’s the college essay. I have never seen my students more motivated to write and more motivated to work on writing than with this particular assignment. And the reason is simple: this writing assignment truly matters to students.

Releasing Control in Second Semester

Releasing Control in Second Semester

The holiday break is OVER, and it’s time to face the reality that we have 5-6 more months left of school.  So the question is:  How do we get through the next 5 months without getting burnt out?