
Four Simple, yet EFFECTIVE, Reflection Questions for the End of the School Year

Four Simple, yet EFFECTIVE, Reflection Questions for the End of the School Year

I don’t know about you, but I have a difficult time working in meaningful reflection at the end of the school year.  And meaningful reflection during the school year is nearly impossible.  As soon as I finish one unit, we are immediately onto the next and then the next and then the next.

The Case for Poetry in Secondary ELA: How Poetry can Target Reading and Writing Skills in a Shorter Context

The Case for Poetry in Secondary ELA:  How Poetry can Target Reading and Writing Skills in a Shorter Context

Poetry tends to be polarizing among educators, parents, and students.  The word either makes a person smile or cringe.  But why is poetry so polarizing? 

5 Tips for TEACHERS to TAKE BACK Holiday Breaks!

5 Tips for TEACHERS to TAKE BACK Holiday Breaks!

The solution to taking back your holiday breaks all comes down to buying yourself time before and after the break to do the things that need to get done.  In essence, it all comes down to planning...