
Four Simple, yet EFFECTIVE, Reflection Questions for the End of the School Year

Four Simple, yet EFFECTIVE, Reflection Questions for the End of the School Year

I don’t know about you, but I have a difficult time working in meaningful reflection at the end of the school year.  And meaningful reflection during the school year is nearly impossible.  As soon as I finish one unit, we are immediately onto the next and then the next and then the next.

The Most Important Essay for High School Seniors: The Personal Philosophy Statement

The Most Important Essay for High School Seniors: The Personal Philosophy Statement

Teaching high school seniors makes for an interesting group of students because they've mostly already passed their standardized tests and know their next steps in life-- college, work, military, etc.

10 Songs for the END of the School Year to Inspire Reflection

10 Songs for the END of the School Year to Inspire Reflection

I can't believe that another school year is almost over!  Are you looking for super quick and easy reflective prompts to wrap up the end of the year?  Here is a list of TEN songs along with prompts to inspire reflective writing.

Last Minute Lesson Ideas for All Content Areas

Last Minute Lesson Ideas for All Content Areas

I always try to have a solid plan for my classes, but sometimes, a day sneaks up on me where I don’t have anything planned, and I’m scrapping to fill it with something enriching and meaningful.  And, if I’m being completely honest...